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The Essential After-Whitening Gel

Restore and revive teeth enamel by replenishing essential minerals found in tooth enamel. This treatment is famous with anybody that experiences tooth sensitivity as it hydrates and desensitizes teeth while restoring a natural shine to teeth. Your teeth will love you!

  • Desensitizes and hydrates tooth enamel
  • Scientifically proven to repair small, invisible lesions to surface enamel.
  • Minerals and phosphates penetrate deep into the enamel.
  • Remineralizes decalcification spots. 
  • 3cc tubes

Replenish essential minerals found In tooth enamel: Remineralization of teeth is a process in which minerals are returned to the molecular structure of the tooth itself. Teeth are porous allowing fluids and demineralisation beneath the surface of the tooth. When demineralized, these pores become larger opening the way for tooth decay and infectious diseases. When the PH of the mouth falls below 5.5 acid caused by sugars and other daily substances dissolves carbonated hydroxyapatite (bone mineral, the main compound of tooth enamel)  and is known as demineralization. Cavities result when the rate of demineralization exceeds the rate of remineralization and the tooth structure is destroyed. The exciting thing is that minerals can be recovered in teeth by a healthy diet and remineralized by ions dissolved in saliva.

Restore, repair and revive teeth enamel: The Expertwhite remineralization blue gel is a formulation of organic and inorganic minerals that originate in the earth mainly magnesium and potassium chloride which cleans and removes all damaging bacteria, while restoring essential minerals naturally occurring in teeth - aiding in calcium formation (bone denisity) while leaving the protective bio-film on your teeth unharmed. 

Eliminate dentin hypersensitivity: Dental pain which is sharp in character and of short duration, arising from exposed dentin surfaces in response to stimuli, typically hot or cold beverages. This sensitivity is generally caused by worn tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the strongest , most impermeable part of the tooth and protects the teeth from invading substances. Underneath the enamel is dentin which is less impenetrable than enamel. Dentin consists mainly of the mineral hydroxylapatite and it greatly affects the color of a tooth due to the translucency enamel. Dentin, which is less mineralized and less brittle than enamel, but necessary for the support of enamel. Dentin consists of microscopic channels, called dentinal tubules, which radiate outward through the dentin from the pulp to the exterior enamel. As a result, dentin has a degree of permeability, which can increase the sensation of pain and the rate of tooth decay. The strongest held theory of dentinal hypersensitivity suggests that it is due to changes in the dentinal fluid associated with the processes. When the dentin loses its protective covering, heat and cold travel through the tubules and stimulate nerves inside the teeth. ExpertwhiteFX™ restore gel contains potassium chloride where ions diffuse along the dentinal tubules to inactivate intradental nerves.

Build Strong Tooth Enamel: Think of calcium as chalk and of magnesium as the superglue for strong teeth.  Magnesium chloride binds and transforms calcium into strong bones and teeth. It is magnesium and not calcium that helps form hard tooth enamel that is resistant to decay. In a New Zealand study it was found that cavity resistant teeth had on average twice the amount of magnesium as cavity prone teeth.

Treatment: 4 x After-whitening blue gels (3cc each) per pack. Use with existing whitening tray.  After whitening rinse tray. Place small drop in each tooth part of tray. Wear for 5 minutes. Remove trays. Do not rinse mouth.Can be worn overnight for a complete restorative process.
